<script> var ambiance= document.createElement('audio');
ambiance.loop = true; ambiance.play(); </script>
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white)) <div
style="display: flex; justify-content: center;"> <img
/> </div> Hey there stranger. First things first; all the cool
kids use this in (link-fullscreen: "full screen. I guess you
aren't that cool.", "full screen. You're a cool one
too.", "full screen, but your device can't handle
that.") I also want to rip off the bandage now — //twine game// is
oxymoronic. To more accurately set your expectations, this is a toe-dip
into one subjective experience with anxiety. With that said — let's
[[play->1]]. <script> var house= document.createElement('audio');
house.loop = false; house.play(); </script>
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white)) <div
style="display: flex; justify-content: center;"> <img
/> </div> $name is halfway out the door when they lean back to
yell, <em>Running to the store! Should be back around
eight!</em> |Bribe1>[Farewell, I bid thee adieu!]
|Bribe2>[See you then!] |Bribe3>[Thanks <i>so much</i>
for waking me.](click: ?Bribe1)[<em>Okay chill - it's not
1820.</em><br><p>You chuckle to yourself, tip your
imaginary hat, and waltz your way into the
[[kitchen->3]]</p>(replace: ?Bribe2)[](replace:
?Bribe2)[<em>Byeeeeee....</em><br><p>Feeling a
bit more refreshed, you shuffle your way over to the
[[kitchen->3]]</p>(replace: ?Bribe1)[](replace:
?Bribe3)[]](click: ?Bribe3)[<em>Alright cranky pants, go back to
bed.</em><br><p>Although $name is clearly wrong about
you being cranky, you feel your lips turn into a scowl as you walk to
the [[kitchen->3]]</p>(replace: ?Bribe1)[](replace:
?Bribe2)[]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white)) <div
style="display: flex; justify-content: center;"> <img
/> </div> (set: $name to (prompt: "The name of your
adoration, please:", "My Love", "Don't
care", "Confirm")) Your eyes open begrudgingly as you are
torn from a glorious, yet not-long-enough, couch nap. You heard the
shuffle of socks and shoes, the dusty hardwood floor creaking beneath
well-intentioned tip-toes, and the soft squeak of the front door
opening. $name is headed out the door. (link-goto: "Haul your body
off the couch", "start")(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white)) <div
style="display: flex; justify-content: center;"> <img
/> </div> You enter the kitchen and you see something looming
on the counter. Something stressful. (after: 2s, (cond: visits > 0,
200ms, 0))[= Something that has been ever present for weeks. (after:
time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[= ''Your to-do
list.'' (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
You (link-reveal: "tackle")[(replace: ?list)[ Oh if was only
that [[easy...->4]]]] the first thing on the list.
|list>[](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white)) <div
style="display: flex; justify-content: center;"> <img
/> </div> More accurately, you read it through a few times and
work yourself up to getting stuff done. What do you start with?
(link:"Make therapy appointment")[Well you figure that the
office is probably closing soon and you hate talking on the phone and
what if they are about to leave the office and now you're disrupting
them and calling another time is probably for the best.]
(link:"Call your mom")[Well if you're cooking then you
tend to chat on the phone for a while so it would probably be annoying
to call and cook at the same time and sometimes the parents are busy at
this time so calling another time is probably for the best.]
(link:"Finish writing assignment")[Well before writing you
should probably make an outline but that would probably take a few hours
and it's getting late and you know that writing over multiple days
makes your writing sound disjointed so waiting is probably for the
best.] (more:)[You decide to cook instead. Your stomach rumbles as you
[[start->5]] to pull ingredients from the pantry.](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white)) You are pulling
ingredients out of the pantry. You ponder what meal you feel like having
tonight. Yesterday was something heavy, today you're quite hungry,
who knows what tomorrow may bring. (link-repeat: "Make spaghetti
and meatballs")[] (link-repeat: "Make a casserole")[]
(link-repeat: "Make a milkshake")[] |clue)[(dialog: bind
$defund, "Your phone buzzes! A Reddit notification reads
'It's officially Thanksgiving - Someone Put Grandma in the
Oven.'", "Read it")[(go-to: "6")]] {(live:
3s)[ (show: ?clue) (stop:) ]} <div style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">
/> </div> It's officially Thanksgiving - Someone Put
Grandma in the Oven. <div style="color: white;">
(link:"Scroll...") [(link:"...and scroll...")
[(link:"...and scroll some more...") [Hah - clickhole. Imma
share with $name. [[Next one->7]] ]]] </div><script> var heartbeat = document.createElement('audio');
heartbeat.loop = true; heartbeat.play(); </script> <div
style="display: flex; justify-content: center;"> <img
/> </div> I Thought It Was A Threat To All Of Us. But Then I
Saw This Jaw-dropping Twenty Second Video.<div style="color:
white;"> (link:"Scroll...") [(link:"...and
scroll...") [(link:"...and scroll some more...") [Just
some more clickbait. I'm bored of this. [[Next one->9]] ]]]
</div><div style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">
/> </div> Distracted Driving Deaths up 10% since last year
<div style="color: white;"> (link:"Scroll...")
[(link:"...and scroll...") [(link:"...and scroll some
more...") [Oof - I hope $name got to the store okay. [[Next
one->8]] ]]] </div>(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white)) <div
style="display: flex; justify-content: center;"> <img
/> </div> What were you doing again? Now, you're sitting at
the kitchen table and you think back to that article. Did $name make it
to the store okay? When did they leave again? I'm sure your text
didn't distract them while they were driving. The odds of that are
so low. Plus, they're super cautious behind the wheel.
(link:"Call them to check in")[No - you're not insane.
It's been like... an hour? Don't get worked up.]
(more:)[It's late. You've gotta eat! But
[[first...->10]]]<script> var breathing = document.createElement('audio');
breathing.loop = true; breathing.play(); </script>
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white)) <div
style="display: flex; justify-content: center;"> <img
/> </div> Just out of curiousity, did they even get
(link:"the message?")[the message? Okay it seems like they
read it. I hope they weren't driving. The store is only around 20
minutes away. There's probably a 99% chance that they're fine.
Even the article said that texts are only like 40% of the incidents. So
really, the odds are like 1/1000 that $name is dead and it's your
(link:"fault.")[fault. But those are far better odds than
like, the lottery, right? What if you killed $name? Over what? Some
dumbass article? You really put their life over some clickbait nonsense
article? (text-style: "rumble")[How could you do that?]
(link:"Take a deep breath") [(link:"...and out...")
[(link:"...and in...") [You need to fucking chill and get your
shit together. It's therapy time. [[Book a therapy
appointment->11]] ]]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white)) <div
style="display: flex; justify-content: center;"> <img
/> </div> Fucking hell -- they're closed! Damn... maybe
tomorrow. Whatever already. Even if they're dead, you'll be
okay. Everything is fine. (text-style: "blur")[Everything is
fine.] (text-style: "blurrier")[Everything is fine.] [[Back to
cooking I guess->12]]<script> heartbeat.pause(); breathing.pause(); </script>
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white)) <div
style="display: flex; justify-content: center;"> <img
/> </div> This was a good move. The food is smelling great!
You're crushing it in the kitchen. (link:"Stir...")
[(link:"...and stir...") [(link:"...and stir some
more...") [Oh my - $name is gonna love this... [[Check your
phone->13]] ]]] <div style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">
/> </div> Huh - no response yet. That's weird, right? What
time did they said they'd be back again? <div style="color:
black">(text-style: "blurrier")[<em>Be home
around 8</em>]</div> Was it around 7? 8? Was it be
<i>back by</i> 8 or <i>around</i> 8 or
<i>after</i> 8? <div style="color: white">
[[SHUT UP->14]] </div> |clue1)[(dialog: bind $defund, "You
know $name is probably dead.", "That's not true")]
{(live: 2s)[ (show: ?clue1) (stop:) ]} |clue2)[(dialog: bind $defund,
"It's your fault.", "No it isn't")] {(live:
7s)[ (show: ?clue2) (stop:) ]} |clue3)[(dialog: bind $defund, "It
probably hurt a lot, too", "Shut up")] {(live: 10s)[
(show: ?clue3) (stop:) ]} |clue4)[(dialog: bind $defund, "If you
didn't text them, $name would be alive", "Stop it")]
{(live: 16s)[ (show: ?clue4) (stop:) ]} <style> tw-enchantment { height: auto !important; } body {
background-color: rgb(230, 25, 25); } </style> <script> var
piano = document.createElement('audio'); piano.src
piano.loop = false; piano.play(); </script>
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:white)+(bg:red)) (text-style:
"rumble")[<h2>ENOUGH</h2>] It's been hours
already. You've gone back and forth on this same (text-style:
"shudder")[irrational] thought for hours already. You
haven't started your paper. You haven't called your parents. You
haven't done (text-style: "bold")[anything.] So please
just (text-style: "smear")[SHUT [[UP->15]]]<style> tw-enchantment { height: auto !important; }
</style> (enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white)) <div
style="display: flex; justify-content: center;"> <img
/> </div> Alright - just start this paper already.
(link:"Start the paper")[[[What's wrong with you->16]]]
(link:"The paper or ~consequences~")[[[What's wrong with
you->16]]] (link:"You have to start the
paper")[[[What's wrong with you->16]]]
(link:"PAPER")[[[What's wrong with you->16]]]
(link:"Oh my - just do the paper")[[[What's wrong with
you->16]]] (link:"Start the paper draft
instead")[[[What's wrong with you->16]]]<style> tw-enchantment { height: auto !important; }
</style> (enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white)) <div
style="display: flex; justify-content: center;"> <img
/> </div> $name definitely said they'd be home by now. They
saw my text, opened it, and (text-style:
"bold")[di[[--->17]]]<style> tw-enchantment { height: auto !important; }
</style> (enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white)) <div
style="display: flex; justify-content: center;"> <img
/> </div> <em>Yo, you'll never guess who I saw at the
store!</em> (link:"I thought you were dead. How could
you?!")[Nope! Too much. They were just a couple minutes late.]
(link:"No way! Who?")[No way! Who? By the way, I made some
dinner if you [[want...->18]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white)) <div
style="display: flex; justify-content: center;"> <img
/> </div> <div style="text-align: center">The
End <div style="color: gray;"> [[Restart?->0]]
</div> </div>